Monday 21 November 2016

EsTrails: Short Trip to Èze

Panoramic view from Èze Village
Hello beautiful earthlings~

How have you all been? The temperature has been dropping every day and winter has definitely arrived in Ireland.  But before my two friends and I embraced (or maybe not) the winter season, we headed down to the south of France where the sun and warmth still lingered around the last few days of October.

Our first selfie of the trip just right outside our apartment in the centre of Nice.

We took the tram near Place de Massena to get the bus #112 to Èze from Vauban.  Getting on the tram/bus is quite easy and we did not have problems from getting lost. One, because our friend ZJ already visited Nice before and two, the bus would have announcements of the next stop.

The bus trip was fairly cheap. It was about €1.50.  The bus journey was about 20 minutes and we got to enjoy the view on our way to Èze. We found this blog post really helpful and gave tips on how to get to Èze and Monte Carlo from Nice.

We are awkward when it comes to being in front of the camera

Look at how charming this old village is! It was one step closer to my dream of recreating the village scene in Beauty and the Beast where they all sang Bonjour~

At the top of the old village, there is Jardin Botanique d'Èze.  The entrance when we were there was about €6 and was worth it.  They have displays of Mediterranean plants as well as exotic ones. There are a bunch of sculptures around with quotes written on plaques beside them which are both written in French and English.  Some were quite funny and we made fun of.

The castle ruins are inside the garden which makes the entrance fee worth it.

Plus the view up in the garden was absolutely breathtaking.  It should not be missed out!

We recommend to wear flat and/or comfortable shoes going to Èze as a lot of walking is involved. Some of the pathways are quite steep that flat shoes seem like the safer option.

There is also a view of the Church of Èze from the garden.

And a view of the Devil's Bridge too.  There is a creepy story behind this bridge that is quite interesting that you could search online.

Right outside the entrance of the old village, there was a little market stands that sold spices, sweets and soaps.  The scent of those wonderful things were just AMAZING!

Watch my vlog of our day in Èze plus the other places we went to:

We were only at Èze for less than 2 hours. We then took the same bus number to Monte Carlo at 11:30 since the next bus was at 2:00 PM and we did not want to wait around for that.  There were a number of restaurants in the old village and a number just right outside the entrance.

Public toilets were available but there was an entrance fee of 50c.  Bring a bottle of water just in case you'd feel thirsty and to hydrate yourself. It was quite warm when we were there (29th October). Summer months would have it worse (or better depending on how you'd see things) so make sure you're hydrated throughout the hike up.

As mentioned earlier in the post that wearing flat and comfortable shoes is a MUST especially if you are like me who is very, very clumsy. I actually managed to trip while walking down the steps around the narrow pathways of the village. I hope it would not happen to you.

So I'll see you in the next blog post! Don't forget to subscribe to my blog!

Peace & Love,

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  3. Great blog.. which place did you stay at? Was it an Airbnb?

    1. Hi! Thank you for the comment! We stayed in an Airbnb in Nice since Éze was only about 30 minutes by bus. This was the Airbnb we stayed in which was very central and close to everything.
