Tuesday 25 July 2017

ESthetics: Review | Ichiko Bento

Hello beautiful earthlings!

I've updated within two weeks so maybe it means that I'm doing good so far? Anyways, it has been a while since I last published an ESthetics post. So I have a review of a new subscription box that has entered the beauty industry called Ichiko Bento. Plus this is my first subscription box ever! You can read up on their history and it may pique your interest.

Saturday 22 July 2017

EsTrails: Secret Food Tours Paris | Day 1 in Paris

Hi beautiful earthlings.

Yes - I will sound like a broken record with the same excuse of not updating. But the truth was, I was LAZY! I had to many ideas in my brain dump section in my bullet journal with blogging but never had to will to do it! I want to make the promise to be better but I don't want to break it so... I will do try my best. For now, here's a blog post of our 1st day in Paris.