Friday 30 November 2018

Grateful for November

Hello beautiful souls~

How have you all been? I know; weird that I have two blog posts within a month but hey, I have this urge to write this up because God is good and He deserves the recognition from this girl here.

Like what the blog post title says, I'm truly grateful for November 2018. Super thankful and blessed to be showered with blessings upon blessings this month. I realised that even your faintest, innermost desires (even those you don't even want to say out loud because of how CRAZY you think it is), is actually heard by God and then He shows you how faithful and good He is by granting this desire.

So what am I on about here? Well, when I interned at my workplace in January 2016, I had this quiet thought in my head saying I want to get Employee of the Year because of the benefits of getting two return flight tickets to ANYWHERE. I brushed this thought off afterwards since ya know, those kinda chances never really happen to this girl here. But boy! God was listening to my inner monologue. This day last week (and almost 3 years later), God proved me wrong as I was awarded one for my department. Actually, this was not the first time God proved me wrong about things-not-happening-to-this-girl this month. Read previous blog post and you'll know what I mean. But another instance was me telling my parents of my plans for next year. I was so surprised that they took it so well and I was really touched when they said that they'll support me. I had it all playing in my mind that they would not really support me because it is an unconventional thing to do (especially if you are from an Asian immigrant background but I would like to try to break boundaries here). I was so thankful!

This month is really a month of me realising how faithful God is and how He makes things work somehow and he has numerous things up His sleeves. He showed me that He will grant you your dreams (even the silliest ones) in His time.

December last year, I've watched a sermon from Tauren Wells called A Better Yes.

'God's NO is always connected to a BETTER YES. God uses this DELAY NOT AS A DENIAL but as an ACCESS POINT TO A GREATER YES. Don't get discouraged when you hear no from God because it's always connected to a better yes. We are so product-oriented and not process-oriented. If you stand within the process and receive what God is doing in your life, there are 31 more yeses on the side of what you feel like would be the biggest miracle.'

Last year was a season and series of No's from God. Even though I did not understand it at the time, I became that obedient child and followed orders. The picture came into clear view a year later. God showed me that He is for me and not against me. His 'no' to a certain prayer or desire is not because He was against me but He was actually protecting me from taking a path that I was never meant to walk on. Towards the end of this year, I started to pray for me to desire God's dreams for me and God has planted this reverie in my mind, heart and soul. I don't fully know yet as to what He wants me to do or become in the future but I'm slowly walking towards where He wants me to be. Those reveries are slowly become reality. I'm continually praying for it and that I may be patient and count on God's perfect timing.

Well, that's it from me for now. This is really just a big shoutout to the Big Guy up there in Heaven. I just cannot fathom His goodness and I'm just really thankful beyond words.

Whoever reads this, I encourage you to pray for what our Father desires for you. I pray that you too will go after a dream He wants for you – even the silliest ones!

Peace and Love,

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